Inhyeok Choi / 최인혁 (He/Him)

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Research papers for publication (Click each title for a brief summary)

  1. Random walks and contracting elements VI: Random 3-manifolds (In preparation)

  2. Random walks and contracting elements IV: Sublinearly Morse boundary (In preparation)

  3. Smoothing countable group actions on metrizable spaces
    with Sang-hyun Kim
    arXiv:2410.06077 (2024), to appear in the proceedings of the MSJ-SI
  4. Counting pseudo-Anosovs as weakly contracting isometries
    arXiv:2408.00603 (2024)
    Revision at Inventiones

  5. Confined subgroups in groups with contracting elements
    with Ilya Gekhtman, Wenyuan Yang and Tianyi Zheng
    arXiv:2405.09070 (2024)

  6. Contracting isometries and differentiability of the escape rate
    arXiv:2403.09992 (2024)
    Revision at PTRF

  7. Random walks on groups and superlinear divergent geodesics
    with Kunal Chawla, Vivian He and Kasra Rafi
    arXiv:2310.18506 (2023), in press at the Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Link

  8. Genericity of contracting geodesics in groups
    with Kunal Chawla and Giulio Tiozzo, arXiv:2308.01877 (2023)

  9. Random walks and contracting elements III: Outer space and outer automorphism group
    arXiv:2212.12122 (2022)

  10. Random walks and contracting elements II: Translation lengths and quasi-isometric embedding
    arXiv:2212.12119 (2022), in press at the Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics, Link

  11. Random walks and contracting elements I: Deviation inequality and limit laws
    arXiv:2207.06597, (2022)
    Revision at Compositio

  12. Pseudo-Anosovs are exponentially generic in mapping class groups
    arXiv:2110.06678 (2021), Geometry and Topology, Vol. 28 (2024), pp. 1923–1955. Journal

  13. Central limit theorem and geodesic tracking on hyperbolic spaces and Teichmüller spaces
    arXiv:2106.13017 (2021), Advances in Mathematics, Volume 431 (2023), 109236. Journal

  14. Linear growth of translation lengths of random isometries on Gromov hyperbolic spaces and Teichmüller spaces
    with Hyungryul Baik and Dongryul M. Kim
    arXiv:2103.13616 (2021), Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 1751-1795. Journal

  15. Simple length spectra as moduli for hyperbolic surfaces and rigidity of length identities
    with Hyungryul Baik and Dongryul M. Kim
    arXiv:2012.05652 (2020)
    Revision at AIF

  16. On the surjectivity of the Symplectic representation of the mapping class group
    with Hyungryul Baik and Dongryul M. Kim
    arXiv:2008.10142 (2020), Topology and its Applications, Volume 322 (2022), 108334. Journal

  17. Topological entropy of pseudo-Anosov maps from a typical Thurston construction
    with Hyungryul Baik and Dongryul M. Kim
    arXiv:2006.10420 (2020), International Mathematics Research Notices, Volume 2022, No. 24, pp. 19762-19904. Journal

  18. Compensation of aberration and speckle noise in quantitative phase imaging using lateral shifting and spiral phase integration.
    Choi I, Lee KR, Park YK, Optics Express, 25(24) pp. 30771-30779 (2017).

Other Writings

  1. Theory of random walks on Teichmüller space (2023, pdf)

  2. Limit laws on Outer space, Teichmmüller space and CAT(0) spaces (not for publication) arXiv:2207.06597v1 (2022)

  3. Random walks on mapping class groups
    with Hyungryul Baik, arXiv:2110.04868 (2021)
    EMS Surveys in Mathematical Sciences, Volume 9, No. 2, pp. 279-320. Journal

Talks (Click the years below to see previous talks)

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Last update: 2025.01.08.